Author Archive
It's Bike to Work Month!

It’s Bike to Work Month!

That’s right! May is National Bike Month (or Bike to Work month, as many call it). So here’s my challenge to myself for the month: My goal is to ride my bike 90 percent of the times I go to work this month. I would say 100 percent, but I want to give myself a grace...
Seeing the World Differently

Seeing the World Differently

Last week, a friend and I made a two-hour road trip to visit another of our friends from college . It was a particularly windy day, as storms were brewing off to our west. Even from the comfort of her minivan, we could feel some of the impact from the heavy headwind into which we...
Our Relationship with REI

Our Relationship with REI

REI. It’s a place that has become more and more a part of our lives over the years, and this week, we want to devote a blog post to its awesomeness. Our relationship with REI goes back almost as long as our relationship with each other. The first time we visited Dave’s parents for a...
The Five-Year Mark

The Five-Year Mark

Five years! That’s right, this week Dave and I celebrated five years of marriage. What a gift! If you’ve read our blog for very long, you’ve heard us say this before, but seriously…  one of the best parts of the two-year bike tour was all the quality time we had together. How many couples have...
A Concert and Thoughts on Life

A Concert and Thoughts on Life

My blogging has, unfortunately, slipped to bi-weekly at best. I am going to work to improve that! But I have been wanting to share for a couple of weeks now about the Steven Curtis Chapman concert we attended here in Nashville at the end of February. We got the tickets to the concert as a...
Gear Review, Part 3

Gear Review, Part 3

Time for the third round of reviewing our gear and equipment! This week I’m discussing some of our clothing items and relevant accessories. In the previous weeks I reviewed the bikes and their accessories, as well as the bulk of our camping gear. Please note:  there is almost no way for me to review every...