The last nine days we have not stopped repeating certain phrases like, “Wow… check that out!” or “Look behind you… very nice,” or “That is really spectacular.”

The road ahead of us...

It’s impossible to summarize what we’ve experienced as we ride through Patagonia and enjoy the beauty of creation. We are truly blessed beyond measure.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands..." (Psalm 19:1)

We started on paved roads, but for the past week have been riding on mostly gravel/dirt roads. It’s been hard physically and mentally (slow going for sure!), but it has certainly been worth the price we’ve paid!

Oh, and the free camping has been all we hoped for! In Chile, it’s perfectly legal to pitch your tent pretty much wherever you want. And there are LOADS of other cyclists on the same route as us (most heading south… more on that later), so it’s not unusual at all to see tents scattered along the side of the road.

Cooking dinner with an awesome view.

It’s impossible to summarize here! We have some 250 pictures from the past nine days. As soon as we have more consistent internet, we will put them on our shutterfly site. So stay tuned for more!